

ViewSets are used to group and configure several views for a single model, somewhat similar to django-rest-framework. They allow you to define and manage configuration for different views, such as list, create, update, and detail views. By specifying attributes on the viewset you can customize the behaviour of all views.

The viewset figures out which attributes should be passed to which view and also takes into account the specificity. If you specify both fields and list_fields, the list view will receive the latter, while all others will receive the former.

The default beam.ViewSet class provides a create, list, detail, update, and delete view.

Here’s an example of a ViewSet for a model called Book where the fields for the list view differ from those for all other views.

# books/
import beam
from .models import Book

class BookViewSet(beam.ViewSet):
    model = Book
    fields = ["title", "author", "publication_date", "price"]
    list_fields = ["title", "author"]

from books.views import BookViewSet
urlpatterns = [
    url(r"^books/$", BookViewSet.as_view()),

Common viewset options

The most common attributes for the viewset mixins in the provided code are:

  • model: The Django model class associated with the viewset.
  • fields: A list of fields to be used in the view for display or form input.
  • layout: A nested list specifying how the fields should be layed out. See Layouts for fields.
  • queryset: The queryset used to fetch the data for the view.
  • inline_classes: A list of related inline classes for the view, see the Inlines section below.
  • form_class: The form class used for handling form submissions in the view.
  • link_layout: A list of components that will be linked from within the user interface, see Links between views.

For a complete list of attributes, see the documentation for the respective viewset mixins.

Layouts for fields

Beam layouts are a simple way to give forms and detail views some structure without the use of custom templates. By specifying a tripple nested list on the viewset, fields can be grouped into rows and columns. The default theme supports up to 4 columns per row.

layout = [
    [ # first row
        ["name", "age",],   # first column
        ["email", "phone"],   # second column
    [ # second row
        ["a", "b",],   # first column
        ["c", "d",],   # second column

The example above would result in the following layout:

Most of the time the elements of the nested list will be strings which are mapped to form / model fields. If you need more controlyou can pass a VirtualField for a regular field with a label or you can pass HTML to render whatever you want.

from beam.layouts import VirtualField, HTML

class ExampleViewSet(beam.ViewSet):
    model = Example
    fields = ["name", "phone"]
    layout = [[
            lambda obj: mark_safe(obj.phone_as_link),
        HTML("<h1>Some HTML</h1>")


Inlines are a way to display and edit related models within the same form or view of a parent model.

There are two types of inline classes, the regular beam.RelatedInline and beam.TabularInline. The regular inline uses multiple rows to display the related model, while the tabular inline uses a table row for each related instance.

To use inlines, you’ll need to create a custom inline class for the related model, typically by subclassing RelatedInline, and add it to the inline_classes attribute of the relevant viewset mixin (e.g., list_inline_classes, create_inline_classes, etc.). This will automatically integrate the inlines into the viewset, making it easier to manage the relationship between the models within the user interface.

In the example below you’ll be able to create, edit and view books from the respective author views.

# books/
import beam
from .models import Book, Author

class BookInline(beam.RelatedInline):
    model = Book
    fk_field = "author"
    fields = ["title"]

class AuthorViewSet(beam.ViewSet):
    model = Author
    fields = ["name"]
    inline_classes = [BookInline]

from books.views import BookViewSet
urlpatterns = [
    url(r"^books/$", BookViewSet.as_view()),

If you need to use different inlines for e.g. the detail and the update view, just create two different inline classes and add pass one of them to the detail_inline_classes and the other to the update_inline_classes attribute.

Adding views: Components

Components are used to group and pass relevant attributes from the viewset to the individual views. A view is only passed data that it’s component expects in __init__. The component provides methods like has_perm to check if the user has the required permissions to access the relevant view or reverse to link to the view.

You only need to care about components if you want to extend a viewset with additional views as in the example below.

class CustomerCallView(beam.views.ComponentMixin, MyBaseView):
    phone = None
    # your custom view code goes here ...

class CustomerViewSet(beam.ViewSet):
    model = Customer
    fields = ["first_name", "last_name", "email", "phone"]

    call_component = Component
    call_url = "call/{phone}/"
    call_url_kwargs = {"phone": "phone"}
    call_permission = "customers.view_customer"

Overriding templates

Beam uses the class based views from Django’s generic views. This means that when you create a template <app_label>/<model_name><template_name_suffix>.html it will be used for the respective view. For example, if you have a model customers.Customer and create a template customers/customer_detail.html it will be used for the detail view of the CustomerViewSet.

Beam also adds a template name based on the component name. For example, if you have a component call_component and create a template customers/customer_call.html it will be used for the call view.

Beam also provides default templates for all base view.

beam/create.html, beam/update.html, beam/detail.html, beam/delete.html, beam/list.html

You can override these templates by creating a template with the same name in your app’s templates directory.

They are all based on the same base template beam/base.html which you can also override. The base template is also the place where you can add custom CSS and JS.


You can use actions to add custom functionality to list views. Actions are displayed as a dropdown at the top of the list view. When the user clicks on the apply button, the action’s apply method is called with the selected objects as arguments.

Actions can provide a form attribute which will be used to display a form when the action is selected. The form can be used to collect additional options from the user.

An action can be added to the list view by adding it to the list_actions attribute.

The below example will add a button to the list view which will send an email with the given subject and message to all selected customers.

from django.core.mail import send_mail
import beam
from beam.actions import Action

class SendEmailAction(Action):
    label = _("Send email")
    form = SendEmailForm

    def apply(self, request, queryset):
            queryset.objects.values_list("email", flat=True)

    def get_success_message(self):
        return _("Sent {count} emails").format(

class CustomerViewSet(beam.ViewSet):
    model = Customer
    fields = ["first_name", "last_name", "email", "phone"]
    list_actions = [SendEmailAction]